exception soprano Christine Schäfer is on 26/02/2011 for a recital at the Munich Hercules Hall. she is accompanied on the piano by Eric Schneider , as always on the selected program are rather less familiar songs by Gustav Mahler , Anton Webern , Johann Sebastian Bach and Hugo Wolf. music buffs can not miss this evening! The singer is in top form, even the appearance of the shepherd recently at the Salzburg Mozart Week crack audience and critics to enthusiasm : From now, the music-loving world is divided into two parts: the good eight hundred Mozart Festival guests to experience were allowed on Friday Christine Schaefer and Eric Schneider - and in the other ... Vocally perfect, technically brilliant, is in the selection of works sophisticated and highly intellectual, "the Shepherd "always. This time, joy and all that seemed to form style kick, which gave the perfect voice out extra shine and heat ... A gift it was, nothing less. it still need more words? No! So tickets go and go!
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