The greatest difficulty in the way of truth, is the collection of information away from the crowds and corporate media. To important events in the world than a brief message is published, questionings or linking of the facts are almost complete. One might think that no one know the truth will, it's all about entertainment and advertising. Nevertheless, or perhaps because of, are journalists by profession from all over the world to expose the machinations of governments and multinational groups. From time to time be published by public broadcasters in Germany, reports and articles on these topics. In most cases, however, they are far after 2200 clock or parallel to blockbuster movies on commercial TV.
So everyone has an opportunity to draw these features and contributions to his education and information retrieval approach, I have opened a collection. It is under the name "MO'S ALTERNATIVE MEDIA" 24 hours a day available and is updated constantly to me. The information on the reports are usually taken directly from the linked source side and the look of these videos is easy and uncomplicated right in the browser.
uses the comment feature to your vision to be published on the subject and evaluate the films. So I can complete the collection according to your interests further. Articles and reports should be in the list, it tells me please about the comments or by e-mail . Similarly, when deleted, therefore no longer accessible streams. Give the site to friends, acquaintances and relatives on, so they also get the opportunity to answer really to get important issues in a globalized world.
Here is a list of previously published content sorted by topic:
- Why all missing money (Fabian)
- How does money
- Zeitgeist - The Movie
- Zeitgeist Addendum
- Venus Project / Zeitgeist Movement
- Firewall - The new world economic crisis
- USA - Reich auf Pump
- from rice - short film about the money system
- The 9 / 11 Chronicles: Truth Rising
- Martial Law 911 German
- Police State 3 German synchronized
- Loose Change 2nd Edition German
- 11th September - Mythos and deceptions
- document number 9 / 11 unsolved
- evidence on the table - WTC 9 / 11
- 9 / 11 Mysteries
- The cheaters from the WTC
- 11th September 2001 - what really
- boiling point was 9-11 - The Greatest Lie Ever Sold
- War sells - The business of the U.S. war
- War Made Easy - If President lie
- In false flag
- Terrorstorm
- war promises
- The doctor and the contaminated children of Basra
- The plan - how it really the Iraq war came
- Between Hate and Grief - The Trials of America's next war
- - - The Unholy War
- showdown in Iran
- Simulation Iran Henry Kissinger
- Henry Kissinger Portrait
- The Kissinger
- Checkmate - case study in American politics
- Apokalypse Vietnam - War in Indochina
- mercenaries in Iraq - the private army
- The massacre Afghanistan
- oil, Bread and corruption
- Blood and Oil - The war for the black gold
- It began with a lie - German in Kosovo
- Kosovo - An unfinished mission
- Bosnia - The impotence of Europe
- One Shoot - The fatal shot
- The Obama deception
- Endgame
- America: Freedom To Fascism German
- The Bilderbergers
- Esoteric Agenda (German)
- Kymatica (German)
- The New World Order - Film of 1996
- RFID - The smart revolution
- total control arte about surveillance
- Big Brother City arte about surveillance
- The Glass German
- Internet censorship in the future?
- Fool me twice (German)
- Outfoxed - Foxy
- Black Block: smuggled provocateurs
- Trained Killer: intelligence and brainwashing
- media manipulation - print media
- arms Sau - The Business of genetic
- Monsanto - with poison and genes
- dead harvest - war for seed
- Over the Edge - hunger crisis
- Surplus or consumerism
- We Feed the World
- globalization film by Peter Scholl-Latour
- 100 percent cotton Made in India
- genetic manipulation - consequences and dangers
- Yes Man
- Volker Pispers - Until recently, 2007 (satire)
- Gipfelstuermer - The bloody days of Genova
- arte about surveillance
- Aaron Russo interviewed by Alex Jones
- interview with Frank Höfer []
- presentation Dr. Rath: The chemical-pharmaceutical oil cartel
- Prof. Karl Schachtschneider What is EU?
- Prof. Karl Schachtschneider on Lisbon Treaty
- Interview with J. Scholz, NATO Air Force
- Interview with Andreas Hauss, historians
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