Book Fair 2.0
Frankfurt am Main (Germany), 22.10.2009 - The publishers and organizers of last Sunday ended Frankfurt Book Fair respond to the increasing importance of the eBook and the arrival of the eBook reader "Amazon's Kindle, which now is also available for German customers and usable. It is clear now: The book market is changing and losing the book's cover.
The Association of German Book Trade responds inconsistently
shows in a great interview with the DB-customer magazine "mobile" for this year's Frankfurt Book Fair Gottfried Honnefelder, the head of the Association of German Book Trade, how far is it this world yet. Honnefelder EBooks says there were "perhaps a little too much" discussion and considers the new eBook Reader from for the sole or first eBook reader. EBooks previously would not play a significant role, because "this year, the readers also available in Germany, but so far only 67 000 units were sold." EBook Reader Franklin are available for more than ten years, every home computer also serves as a reader for the many eBooks in Adobe PDF or MS-lit format, and all modern smartphones can serve as well as some mp3 players and even some modern video cameras as an eBook reader. In fact, not 67,000, but rather spread EBook million readers in Germany today. The new devices are also dedicated to new companies in the book market, which bring large publishers as excerpts of the most important new publications in the modern mobile phones. The opening press release of the Frankfurt Book Fair, therefore, the challenge of Cross-Media, a content is presented in such varied forms, clearly stated: "Novels for the mobile, textbooks for electronic reading devices, games for online communities and film adaptations for Smart Phones: The international book and media industry is in transition. We need to take digital worlds to explore foreign markets and develop new business models Future meets Books meets TV meets Games meets Music Meets Mobile "bundled the various perspectives in the trend panel Creative Industries" have been ". Here analyzed representatives of the creative industries, the numerous varieties Convergence of media and party executive member Malte Spitz Alliance 90/The Greens introduced the concept of a culture flatrate. What may
new forms of book cost and what you get for it?
On the question of pricing is not one among publishers and booksellers in the Stock Exchange Association agreed. Honnefelder explains in the aforementioned interview, "We, as stakeholders of the book trade, are of the opinion that the price should be for the digital form as high as for the printed book, because the book is indeed an expression of content, and the changes . not through the media "The fact is, however, that go about 60 percent of net price of a printed book in print today, wholesalers and retailers - costs incurred for EBooks or not so not necessarily. Then there is the legal situation: Can While you continue to give a once bought a printed book as often, sell or give away, will be those remedies in accordance with the wishes of many marketers restricted the EBook: "to pass up to five times" from one device to the next is there already one of the permissive solutions for the most-called DRM (Digital Rights Management) system of rights management are being considered. So what may cost new book forms? More or how Honnefelder represents as much as a printed book less than 20% of my book report in advance of the book fair of the magazines surveyed Publishers and Publishers Weekly: 10 percent, 20 or even 30 cheaper than printed books see 42% percent as adequate, while 15% believe in a standard price à la Amazon ($ 9.99), as Apple has shown us with iTunes for the music industry.
Amazon, Google and the little ones: Those who play with in the eBook market?
online bookseller has the e-paper technology based on the eBook reader "Kindle" can be downloaded via the wireless constantly new titles, not just its current offering of EBooks suddenly made interesting, but this year distribution in 100 countries and steps taken to dominance in the market. With Mobypocket Amazon also has one on mobile Devices used platform for the 120,000 titles offered. In Germany, trying to keep up In addition to about 40,000 EBooks are to this book fair through cooperation with the Austrian mobile provider Black Betty offered books, which are currently available on its own platform fee per SMS. Black Betty starts on the other hand, besides the known cooperation with small publishers such as uBook and the Perry Rhodan offer now projects with Arena, Reuters, Random House, are being offered free of charge on all Sample of current titles - a wireless at the Book Fair with Bluetooth also much in range. This too can be a beginning to the free excerpts and initial read full novels on the phone. The classic Library currently offers 40 tracks as a free eBook, while costing the partner mobile classic books from 2.99 to 4.99 €. When the digitization project by volunteers, "Project Gutenberg" is the classics, however, have long eText free during the subscription by mobile phone is also charged there.
The U.S. giant, the online bookstore of the eternal second behind Amazon, meanwhile, has a massive online shop opened with 700,000 titles, with the purchase of the platform and with our own, Mobypocket engegengestellten eReader, also for all platforms will be available. This is also from 2010 a separate eBook reader with a mobile reference, while the far more widespread in Germany Sony eBook reader cooperate with the Thalia bookstore chains can make more small deals. Only the next edition of it can the mobile phone network to the Internet - that's where the future but so far 2 million books from Google Books accessed, has digitized the search giant now and in agreement with more than 9,000 publishers online. Also, mobile books, incidentally presented at the Book Fair a new eBook reader: The first e-ink model with a color screen from Fujitsu. LG Display contrast set at the same time a first eBook reader alone solar power before use. The future of the book goes on and, in addition to the readers the Authors who receive suddenly up to 70% of the sales price of an eBook and users who write like own texts (and free) publish and process the texts of other depending on the license model of the original or remix of "Book Oven" "" can, an increasingly important role.
2018 will surpass the year in which the digital, the printed book
While many publishers, especially the New Age category, the end of the world as we know it can end as early as 2012, which is justified by the Mayan calendar to see the whole first publisher in 2018 as the year in which the printed book to the digital behind device and slowly become a collector's item as once the record. Nor deny digital products usually only a small part of sales: About 60 percent of the above-mentioned study respondents estimate that they will dine in 2009 in some cases significantly less than 10 percent of its revenue from digital source. This will however change over the next two years: In 2011 41 percent of respondents expect sales of up to 10 percent, 58 percent foresee a higher percentage of digital products in total sales. The proportion of those who expect to make in two years its sales to 26 to 100 percent, with digital products will increase from 24 percent (estimate for 2009) to 38 percent (estimate for 2011) of the respondents.
The notion that generate digital content more revenue than the traditional book business is, therefore, progressively more concrete. About 50 percent of industry experts now see 2018 as a turning point. Only 27 percent last year were of the opinion that "will never beat digital print" - this year the figure has dropped 22 percent. In a few years, we may be anticipated in view of these figures, this view will have been overtaken by the facts of the book market for good.
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